1. Browse through our various categories or search bar to find your favourite products.
  2. Indicate your preferred quantity and your preferred variation (if any).
  3. Once confirmed, click “ADD TO CART” and your selected product will be added to cart.
  4. Click “View Cart” and you will be directed to the Shopping Cart page or continue browsing the page to continue shopping.

Shopping Cart

  1. Confirm your product selection before “Proceed to checkout”.
  2. Remember to apply your Free Shipping Voucher (if any) and/or any promotional vouchers/coupons (if any) by applying the coupon code.
  3. On the checkout page, check that delivery address is complete and correct to avoid lost parcel. Delivery must be within Malaysia with postcode.
  4. Select your preferred payment method to proceed with payment and you will be directed to payment gateway. Follow the payment gateway instruction to make payment.

Upon payment is successful, your order will be confirmed and we shall arrange to process your order within 2 working days.

How Do I Add / Make Changes to My Cart ?

Click the shopping cart in the top right corner to edit the quantity or remove a product from your shopping cart.

Can I self-collect?

Yes, you can. Please select “Self-collect” and we will arrange the collection and keep you informed when your parcel is ready to collect. You are required to provide a reachable contact number for collection arrangement. Collection point can only be done at below address:

Lot 2208, Jalan Kusta,
Kampung Jaya Industrial Area,
47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor D.E.